delhi police has released the annual report related to criminal cases during the year 2024 on saturday (11 january 2025). According to the data of delhi police, it has been successful in controlling the incidents of murder, rape, robbery and molestation in the national capital. Whereas there has been disappointment in preventing incidents of NDPS Act and overall crime, for which delhi police will have to answer in the coming time. According to the report released by delhi police, where 506 cases of murder were registered in 2023. Whereas in 2024, 504 cases of murder were registered. Which is less than the year 2023. In 2023, 1654 cases of robbery were reported. Whereas in 2024 only 1510 cases were registered.
If delhi police is to be believed, there has also been a decrease in cases of molestation. In 2023, 2345 cases of molestation were registered. Whereas in 2024, 2037 cases of molestation were registered. Not only this, according to delhi police, 2141 cases of rape were registered in the year 2023. In the year 2024, the cases of rape decreased to 2076.
Total 20772 incidents of crime in 2024
If we talk about the total cases of crime in delhi, then the police cannot pat its back. This is because in 2023, the total crime incidents were 18,309. On the contrary, in 2024, the total crime incidents were 20,772. Similarly, if we talk about the cases registered under the NDPS Act, there was an increase in 2024 as compared to the year. Under this Act, 1325 cases were reported in the year 2023. Whereas in the year 2024, 1789 cases were registered under the NDPS Act. There are also signs of increase in criminal cases related to gambling, Arms Act and Excise Act. According to the latest report, the inability of delhi police to control most of the crime incidents is one of its biggest challenges.