All the three main parties have announced the names of their candidates for the Bijwasan assembly seat falling under South delhi Lok Sabha constituency. While the aam aadmi party has expressed confidence in bhupinder singh June and given him a chance again, the bjp has fielded Kailash Gehlot and the congress has fielded Colonel Devendra Singh Sehrawat as its candidates. The special thing is that, apart from AAP, the candidates of both bjp and congress staking their claim from here have been AAP's partners in the past. While Kailash Gehlot has recently left the AAP's broom and joined the lotus, Colonel Devendra Sehrawat had left the AAP and joined hands with the Congress. Now whether the people here will vote by looking at the candidate or the party, it will be known only in the coming time.
Bijwasan assembly seat came into existence in 2008
Bijwasan seat, which came into existence in 2008 after delimitation, falls under the South-West district of delhi and is one of the 10 assembly constituencies of South delhi Lok Sabha constituency. This assembly constituency includes Dhulsiras, Vasant Kunj, Mahipalpur, Rangpuri, Nangal Devta, Bijwasan, Samalkha, Bamnauli, Kapashehra, Shahabad Mohammadpur, Rajnagar and some part of Dwarka.
bjp won twice, AAP won twice
In the first election held here in 2008, BJP's Satprakash Rana won the first victory. After this, 5 years later in the election held in 2013, BJP's Rana also became mla from here. But, in the subsequent elections, the picture here changed and in 2015, while AAP's Colonel Devendra Singh Sehrawat, in the year 2020, bhupinder singh June wiped out the opponents on the strength of AAP's broom. However, in 2020, the margin of AAP's victory fell drastically as compared to 2015. In 2015, AAP's Sehrawat won 65,006 votes and defeated BJP's Satprakash Rana, who got 45,470 votes, by more than 20 thousand votes, while Congress's Vijay Singh remained at third place and could get only 5258 votes.