A shocking case has come to light from lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. Where a doctor from lucknow was kept under wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital arrest for 9 days by cyber thugs. The cyber thug who made the video call had introduced himself as an inspector. In this case, the victim has now lodged a complaint with the police. In fact, cyber thugs kept a woman doctor from lucknow under wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital arrest for 9 days in the name of money laundering case and during this time cheated her of Rs 13.40 lakh. The person who made the video call to the victim woman doctor introduced himself as an inspector. The person who made the video call said that she will be jailed for 45 days in the money laundering case.
The thug also mentioned an ncp leader
So that the doctor does not get suspicious, next time he introduced himself as a delhi police officer instead of mumbai Police. Also mentioned ncp leader nawab malik money laundering case. When the victim doctor came to know that she was duped by cyber criminals, she lodged a complaint with the police. Dr Anurupa Rai, a resident of Chitragupt nagar in Manak nagar, lucknow, told the police that on december 26, a young man called her claiming to be a TRAI employee. He said that a SIM card has been taken in delhi on august 14 using your Aadhaar card, through which nude videos are being sent to girls.
Threatened to investigate the police
According to the victim Dr Anurupa Rai, the cyber fraud verified the SIM in the video call. When she told him that she had not taken any SIM card in delhi, he said that we will verify it. The person making the video call also said that delhi police will investigate about you. Soon after this, the victim Dr Anurupa Rai received a video call from another number. The person started questioning her by introducing himself as Senior Inspector Anil. Now Dr Anurupa Rai has lodged a complaint with the police in this matter and has demanded strict action.