Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath has put forth his point on the issue of Sambhal. In ABP News' special program Sanatan Samvad, cm Yogi has said that the truth of sambhal should come out but some people do not want this. Responding to the questions of journalist Rohit Singh Sawal, the chief minister said that even in the Puranas, it is mentioned about sambhal that the tenth incarnation of Shri hari Vishnu will be incarnated in this Sambhal.
The chief minister said that the Puranas were composed in a wide period of 3500 to 5000 years. The foundation laid by Lord Ved Vyas started from there and it continued to be composed till 3500 years ago. This history of india is through the Puranas. This is also mentioned in it. Okay, those who do not believe in the Puranas, I want to ask them one thing that we did not write Ain-e-Akbari, bjp or RSS did not write it. This is a book from the time of Akbar. It is mentioned in it that Mir Baqi demolished the temple in 1526 and built a mosque-like structure in sambhal which is being called Jama Masjid today.
This is not even a matter of their interest - cm Yogi
The cm said what is this mentality? In the year 1526 in sambhal, in the year 1528 in Ayodhya, the temple was demolished on the birthplace. It was desecrated. This is the same series that used to destroy temples and spread anarchy. So naturally we can understand this mentality. We can recognize it and they do not want the truth of sambhal to come in front of the people. They do not like the pride of Ramlala being seated in ram Janmabhoomi.
The cm said that such people do not like the grand festival of maha Kumbh. Some people do not like the coordination of India's heritage and development. This is not even a matter of their interest.