It is often seen that blind people collide with something or the other while walking on the road. Blind people also have a desire to recognize the person in front of them or guess who is standing in front of them. So that they can also fulfill their desire. For such blind children, students of MIT college of Moradabad have come forward. Who have created such a project. With the help of this project, blind people will also be able to identify the face and what project is in front. By identifying it, they will be able to choose the way forward.
Now blind people will also be able to identify faces easily. For this, two students of SIT have prepared a pair of glasses. Through the use of IoT sensors, you can get information about your surroundings in audio form. students of MIT college participated in the three-day Asia's Largest Techfest 24 organized at IIT Mumbai. In which two students of Computer Science Department, Dhairya Saraswat and Shashwat Singhal, are doing internship with startup Cadre Technologies services founded by Harvard university scientists.
The invention of smart glasses will be helpful for blind people
Cadre Tech is mainly doing research on assistive technology. With whose help they have invented such a smart glasses. With which blind people can get information about their surroundings in audio form through face recognition, object detection and use of IoT sensors. To demonstrate this invention, both the students have been appointed for demonstration by the company's india office at IIT Mumbai.
MIT college Director Rohit Garg said that two children of our college have made a very good project for the blind people. For this I congratulate the teachers of my college and both these children. Along with this, I believe that this project will prove to be very useful for the blind people. MIT college Professor Dr. Rajiv Kumar said that two children of our department have done a new research. In which blind people can get a lot of help in seeing. With this, he can change his perspective and move anywhere.