More than 20 workers were buried under the debris when the lintel of a two-storey building under construction under the Amrit Bharat Yojana collapsed at the railway station in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh on Saturday. police gave this information. Taking cognizance of the accident, the Northeast Railway has constituted a three-member high-level committee to investigate the incident and has announced to give Rs 50,000 each to the minor injured and Rs 2.5 lakh to the seriously injured in the incident. According to the police, many workers are feared to be buried under the debris. However, officials have claimed that no one has died in this incident.

After this incident, a rescue operation was started immediately and six injured workers were pulled out of the debris and sent to the hospital. A total of 23 people have been injured in this incident so far. Initial visuals from the spot showed chaos and confusion, with a crowd of people trying to rescue those trapped amid dust and broken beams.

minister said - the incident will be investigated

minister of State for Social Welfare (Independent Charge) Asim Arun, who arrived at the spot to monitor the rescue efforts, told reporters, 'So far 23 people have been injured in this accident. Of these, 20 people have suffered minor injuries and three have suffered serious injuries. Rescue operations are still going on at the spot and it will take some more time. The minister said that the building that collapsed is the new terminal of Kannauj railway station, which is being constructed under the Amrit Yojana. He said, "A thorough investigation will be conducted into the incident after the rescue operation is completed."

After the accident, there was a stampede among the passengers present at the station. Officials arrived at the spot and started investigation and rescue operations. Kannauj district Magistrate Shubhrant Kumar Shukla said about the accident, "According to preliminary information, the accident occurred when the shuttering of the roof of the under-construction building collapsed." The shuttering of the roof is a temporary structure that supports the concrete while it sets.

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