According to sources Mahayuti has got a big relief from the bombay high court in a long-running dispute in Maharashtra. The dispute was related to 12 MLCs nominated by the Governor. uddhav thackeray faction leader and Kolhapur city president sunil Modi had challenged the delay in filling 12 seats in the Legislative Council and the appointments. In fact, in the year 2022, the then Eknath Shinde government withdrew the list of names nominated by the earlier MVA government, after which shiv sena UBT had alleged 'encroachment' and 'inaction of the Governor'.

Currently the bombay high court has dismissed the petition filed by shiv sena UBT and said that the decision of the Mahayuti government to withdraw the list is correct. In the year 2020, there was a long dispute between the then governor Bhagat Singh koshyari and the then maha Vikas Aghadi government regarding this. The MVA government had sent a list of 12 nominated MLCs to the then governor Bhagat Singh koshyari on 6 november 2020. During that time the governor did not take any action on this list. After this, on 5 september 2022, Eknath Shinde's Mahayuti government withdrew the list. The Mahayuti government had claimed in the high court that the decision to withdraw the list was taken in the cabinet meeting. However, in the PIL of shiv sena UBT, it was claimed that without giving any reason, the cabinet took the decision to withdraw the list, which is wrong.

According to the report of news agency ANI, the bench of Justice Devendra Kumar Upadhyay and Justice amit Borkar noted what was the role of the governor in the nominations and whether there should be a difference between the decisions taken by different cabinets? At the same time, the current governor CP Radhakrishnan had approved a new list of 7 MLCs just before the announcement of maharashtra Assembly elections. During this, sunil Modi had argued that as long as the decision was pending in the court, the governor could not approve these names.

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