Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath gave the slogan 'If we divide, we will be cut' in the elections of Haryana, Maharashtra, jharkhand and kashmir - SRINAGAR/JAMMU' target='_blank' title='jammu and kashmir-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>jammu and kashmir held last year. Regarding this slogan, it was also claimed in political circles that it became the basis of victory. Now on this statement of cm, storyteller Aniruddhacharya has given a big statement.
In the special program dharma Pravah of ABP News, storyteller Aniruddhacharya said that cm Yogi is a very good leader. He is handsome. On the statement 'If we divide, we will be cut', Aniruddhacharya said that brother, divide and rule, this slogan was given by the British. Whenever we have been divided, we have been destroyed.
'How will there be love if we stay separate?'
The storyteller said that then why should we divide? We are not born to be divided. Tulsidas ji has written in Ramcharitmanas- 'Jahan Sumati Tahan Sampatti Nana Jahan Kumti Tahan Vipati Nidaana'. Where there is Sumati, there is organization, there is various types of wealth, prosperity, peace. Therefore, if we are divided, we will be divided.
Saints do not speak ill of anyone- Aniruddhacharya
He said that why should we be divided into castes? We were divided by Mughals, British. Leaders divided us. If you remain united, there will be no love. If we remain divided, how will love happen. First, to have love, we have to remain united. If both husband and wife remain united, there will be love. If both remain separate, how will love happen. He said that if we all had religion, there would be no need for police, army. Our country runs on religion. Hundreds of years ago, there was neither police nor army. How did the world run? On religion. Apart from this, when asked how he likes Samajwadi party national president Akhilesh Yadav, the narrator said- I like him. Saints never speak ill of anyone.