UGC: How are Vice Chancellors selected?
The Vice Chancellor of a university is its highest official. According to the 2018 rules of UGC, when the post of Vice Chancellor is vacant in a university, first of all a 'Search-cum-Selection Committee' is formed. This committee consists of eminent experts, academicians and administrators of the higher education sector. This committee searches for suitable candidates for the post of Vice Chancellor.
After this, applications are sought for the post of Vice Chancellor by advertising in newspapers, websites or other means. Names of candidates can be sought from different educational institutions, organizations and scholars. The committee itself can also search for suitable candidates across the country. The committee examines all the applications and nominations and evaluates the candidates through interviews. Finally, the committee prepares a list of 3-5 candidates and sends it to the Chancellor. The Chancellor appoints one of the names suggested by the committee as Vice Chancellor. The Chancellor is usually the Governor.
A committee is also formed to select the Vice Chancellor in state and private universities. One member of this committee is selected by the UGC chairman. The rest of the members are selected according to the state's own law. A law made in kerala in 1974 states that the governor himself will form a committee of three people. One member will be selected by the university's senate. One member will be selected by the UGC chairman. One member will be selected by the governor himself. The governor will appoint the person on whose name this committee agrees as the vice-chancellor.