Film star and bjp mp from Gorakhpur ravi kishan also reached Prayagraj today on friday (17 January). bjp mp ravi kishan reached Mahakumbh and took a holy dip in the Ganga. During this, the bjp mp praised the arrangements and called the event divine and grand. Along with this, ravi kishan targeted the opposition fiercely after taking a holy dip in the Triveni stream.
bjp mp ravi kishan said that the opposition has lost sleep after seeing the arrangements of Mahakumbh and the crowd coming here. He said that along with Akhilesh Yadav, rahul and priyanka should also reach Mahakumbh and see the arrangements there, only then should they comment.
The bjp mp said that it is a historical arrangement, this is the biggest scene on earth. At the same time, bjp mp ravi kishan said that seeing the crowd of devotees in Mahakumbh, people are beating their chest, some people have skipped food and are pulling hair. The opposition was shocked that can this even happen in this country. Where Sanatan was suppressed, stuffed under the ground. Hindus were being stuffed, they have woken up and come out on their own, they are boiling.
At the same time, bjp mp ravi kishan was seen avoiding making a direct comment on the viral Sadhvi Harsha Richaria of maha Kumbh. He said that everyone should come to Kumbh with devotion. In a conversation with ABP News, ravi kishan said that after bathing in Triveni, he is having a very pleasant and divine feeling.