aam aadmi party (AAP) candidate Avadh Ojha from Delhi's Patparganj assembly seat filed his nomination on thursday (January 16). According to Avadh Ojha's affidavit, his total movable property is Rs 4.85 crore. At the same time, his wife's total property is Rs 59 lakh. His total immovable property is Rs 1.45 crore. There are two flats in Bisrakh, GZB. The value of his wife's immovable property is 1.63. Avadh Ojha has a loan of Rs 80 lakh. At the same time, his wife has a loan of Rs 21.7 lakh.

What did Avadh Ojha say?

Avadh Ojha said that we are promising to give better education to the people of Patparganj, we will educate every child of Patparganj in our coaching. Everything from their admission to class will be free.

Will give free classes to children - Awadh Ojha

During a special conversation with ABP News, Awadh Ojha said that he has promised the people of Patparganj that he will give free admission to their children in the online classes he runs. Not only this, his classes will also be free.

For the last two times, manish Sisodia of aam aadmi party has been an mla from Patparganj assembly seat and while being the education Minister, he has also claimed to have done a lot of work here in the field of education, but this time he has not contested from Patparganj seat but has blown the election bugle by filing his nomination from Jangpura seat.

After filing the nomination, today Awadh Ojha performed puja with his wife at the shiva temple in Patparganj. During a conversation with ABP News, Awadh Ojha said that we will spread light among the people by lighting the lamp of knowledge and the people of Patparganj are entitled to better education and we will give that education.

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