aam aadmi party is counting the achievements of its government for the assembly elections in Delhi. In this series, AAP candidate from Rajendra nagar assembly constituency Durgesh Pathak presented a report card regarding the work done during his 2-year tenure. He listed many other works including Mohalla Sabha, construction of roads, installation of CCTV cameras. aam aadmi party leader Durgesh Pathak said, "For the first time I started Mohalla Sabha in the assembly, in which people's complaints are heard. Today about 20 thousand people are associated with this Mohalla Sabha. So far we have received 27,336 complaints and out of these we have resolved 25,302.
Aim to make Rajendra nagar assembly a model - Durgesh Pathak
He further said, "Beautiful entrance gates have been built in many colonies. 5 thousand CCTVs and 7 thousand street lights were also installed. 16 new boom barriers were installed and toilets were arranged in slums. My goal is to make Rajendra nagar assembly a model for the whole of Delhi. In this regard, I will start giving vision documents to the people from Monday.
aam aadmi party leader and mla Durgesh Pathak said while addressing a press conference at the party headquarters on saturday (January 18), "The most important thing in democracy is that the public should give an account of the work done by a leader during the time he was given the opportunity. Two years ago, by-elections were held in Rajendra nagar assembly and the people there made me an MLA. We have brought out a small book of 50-60 pages with complete details of the work we have done in these two years."
632 new roads constructed in the last two years - Durgesh Pathak
He further said, "All the PWD roads in Rajendra nagar assembly have been completely constructed. 632 new roads have been constructed in the last two years. There was a big problem at Inderpuri Halt, under which a footover bridge had to be built. bjp tried its best to stop it by doing politics but we got the land from MCD and started the work of building that foot over bridge.'' Durgesh Pathak said that 20 new high mask lights were also installed in the entire assembly. The sewer line has been changed in Loha Mandi after about 50 years. Apart from this, sewer lines were changed in many areas. Under this, the water pipeline inside all the colonies will be completely changed. Along with this, we have received funds from the government for the drains of Inderpuri and Budh Nagar. The tender is still in process.