The business class also has a big vote bank in Delhi. aam aadmi party made an important announcement to woo the traders. Former deputy chief minister manish Sisodia claimed that he will ensure the participation of traders in the government. He also met the traders and listened to their problems. In the meeting with the traders, he assured that if AAP forms the government in Delhi, beautification of markets will be the first priority. He said that traders will be made partners in the government. Participation will make it easier for the problems of traders to reach the government.

Let us tell you that the campaign of aam aadmi party candidates is going on. During the campaign, efforts are being made to woo the voters. Former deputy chief minister manish Sisodia, who entered the electoral battle of Jangpura, held a meeting with traders in Sundar nagar Market. Chamber of Trade and industry (CTI) Chairman Brijesh Goyal said that traders from different markets participated in the meeting. Traders expressed concern over the maintenance of markets, beautification, lack of basic facilities.

What did manish Sisodia promise to the traders?

The traders raised the issue of GST in the meeting. manish Sisodia said that due to the circumstances, many works could not be done. But, while being the Finance Minister, many decisions were taken in the interest of the traders. The former deputy chief minister said, "There was dialogue with the traders before the GST Council meeting. The suggestions of the traders were put in the council. Even at the time of VAT, the tax on many items was reduced from 12.5 percent to 5 percent. Now, when we come to power again, we will make the markets beautiful." manish Sisodia claimed that the government will run in partnership with the traders. CTI officials and a delegation of traders were also present in the meeting.

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