Aam Aadmi party candidate from Malviya nagar somnath Bharti has made serious allegations against Satish Upadhyay. He said that Satish Upadhyay is getting household work done from MCD sweeper. Let us tell you that bjp has declared Satish Upadhyay as its candidate from Malviya Nagar. somnath Bharti accused bjp candidate of taking household work from MCD employee. He said that MCD sweeper has been working at Satish Upadhyay's house since 2012. somnath Bharti said, "MCD employee's responsibility is to clean Malviya Nagar. Satish Upadhyay is taking household help's work from sweeper. election commission should take cognizance of the matter." He demanded to register an FIR against Satish Upadhyay for misuse of government resources. AAP candidate said that bjp leaders are responsible for the dirt in Delhi. somnath Bharti, who has entered the electoral fray from Malviya nagar, held a press conference on Saturday. In the press conference, he said, "After coming to power in delhi Municipal Corporation, AAP is trying to improve every department.

'Satish Upadhyay making a sanitation worker do the work of a domestic help'

bjp leaders take photos of garbage and show them to the media." He showed Satish Upadhyay's photo to the media and said that the person standing with him is doing the work of a domestic help. He told that the photo is from the occasion of Holi. The person standing with Satish Upadhyay in the photo is a sanitation worker of MCD. The AAP candidate said that Satish Upadhyay was a councilor from Malviya nagar ward from 2012-17. The person seen in the photo is a sanitation worker of Malviya nagar ward. Satish Upadhyay is using MCD employee Puran as a domestic help. He asked that Puran has the responsibility of cleaning the roads and parks of Malviya Nagar. In such a situation, how is he working as a domestic help.

somnath Bharti accuses Malviya nagar candidate

According to somnath Bharti, Puran is threatened of being removed from the job. Satish Upadhyay is violating the human rights of a person from sc community. He demanded resignation from Satish Upadhyay on moral grounds. He said, "The government is paying salary to the employee and bjp leaders are getting the household work done. Delhiites should know that the reason for lack of cleanliness is bjp candidate Satish Upadhyay." He demanded lg to investigate the presence of MCD employees at the houses of bjp leaders. The AAP candidate said that the people of delhi are constantly suffering due to the actions of bjp leaders.

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