Bhojpuri power star Pawan Singh's wife Jyoti Singh is going to enter politics. She has decided to contest the 2025 bihar assembly elections. But the seat has not been announced yet. news of dispute between Pawan Singh and Jyoti Singh has been coming often. Meanwhile, there is even talk that he may get married for the third time. Well, if wife Jyoti Singh enters the election fray, will she get Pawan Singh's support? When Jyoti Singh herself was questioned about this, she said that she cannot say anything right now.
Jyoti campaigned a lot for Pawan Singh
Let us tell you that when Pawan Singh contested the 2024 lok sabha elections from Karakat, his wife Jyoti Singh campaigned a lot for him. She went to every village of Karakat seat and sought votes for her husband. When Pawan Singh's health suddenly deteriorated during the election campaign, Jyoti Singh took charge. She went to the field for campaigning and reached villages on foot. She went from street to street and appealed for votes for her husband.
Dispute between Pawan Singh and Jyoti remained in the headlines
The dispute between Pawan Singh and Jyoti Singh has also been in the headlines. Jyoti Singh had even filed a petition in the court for divorce. Jyoti Singh had made many serious allegations, but when she campaigned for Pawan Singh in the lok sabha elections, it seemed that there was no dispute between the two. Everything is fine. After this, a call recording of Jyoti Singh also went viral on social media, due to which the news of dispute between the two gained momentum again. At present, there is a discussion about Pawan Singh's third marriage. It is being said that Pawan Singh has married actress chandni Singh for the third time. However, chandni Singh's PRO has called this news baseless and false.