Chief minister Atishi from aam aadmi party and Ramesh Bidhuri from bjp are in the fray from Kalkaji assembly seat of Delhi. Transgender candidate Rajan Singh is also contesting against both of them. He has filed a petition related to his security in the delhi High Court. On Monday, a petition seeking personal security to contest the delhi assembly elections was heard in the high court on behalf of transgender Rajan Singh.

The high court has issued a notice to the delhi Police on Rajan Singh's petition and sought a security related report. Actually Rajan Singh is contesting the delhi assembly elections. He has knocked the door of the high court to provide security from delhi Police, citing threat to his life.

Nomination paper was also torn - Rajan Singh

Rajan Singh told the court that he has recently received threatening calls and his nomination paper was also torn. Rajan Singh has told the court that his nomination paper has been accepted by the election Commission. He told the high court, "I am the only transgender contesting the assembly elections and my security is at risk. I should be provided security till the elections. The security may be withdrawn after the elections are over.

The next hearing of the case will be on january 27                         

At present, the delhi high court has asked the concerned DCP to do a threat perception assessment of Rajan Singh within 4 days. Now the next hearing in this case will be on january 27. Let us tell you that elections are going to be held in delhi after about 15 days. Voting will be held in delhi on february 5. The counting of votes will be done on february 8. The nomination process for this is over.

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