madhya pradesh chief minister Mohan Yadav met Railway minister Ashwini Vaishnav in Delhi. He himself gave this information through social media. The Railway Department has also shared important information in this regard, which states that the chief minister and the Railway minister have talked on an important scheme related to solar energy.
chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has shared another important information in this matter. He has said that in the coming time, the picture of rail transport in madhya pradesh will be seen changing. The central government is taking many important steps to strengthen the rail transport of Madhya Pradesh.
Foundation of Ujjain-Jhalawar railway route will be laid
There is a plan to lay a broad gauge railway line between ujjain and Jhalawar. Earlier, a narrow gauge line used to operate between ujjain and Jhalawar which has been closed. This rail facility will be started, which is estimated to cost an amount of Rs 3000 crore.
Its survey work was also to be completed by 31 december 2024, but it will take one more month for the survey work. Since this scheme is very big, it will also be approved by the NITI Aayog.
Discussion on indore to Manmad rail line
chief minister Dr Mohan Yadav has also discussed about the indore Manmad rail line to reduce the distance from indore to Mumbai. This will reduce the journey between indore and mumbai by 100 km. This rail line is also considered very important for the development of Madhya Pradesh. Currently, passengers from indore reach mumbai via ujjain, Ratlam, Baroda, whereas after the new rail line, the option of going directly from indore to mumbai via Khandwa will start through rail route.