Madhya Pradesh congress has raised the issue of alleged scam in Apex bank recruitment loudly. congress has strongly attacked Mohan Yadav government's minister vishwas Sarang on this issue. Former chief minister of the state kamal nath and leader of Opposition of the state Umang Singhar, on the basis of a newspaper report, have accused minister vishwas Sarang that there has been a scam in the recruitment process and recruitment was done by issuing merit list directly from interview without marks.
congress has alleged that minister vishwas Sarang's OSD and his relatives have been selected, the dreams of the rest of the eligible youth were strangled. In this case, minister vishwas Sarang termed the allegations of congress as baseless and said, "Sanjay Bhatnagar is not my OSD. Written examination for the vacant posts in Apex bank was conducted online. This examination was conducted as per rules through I.BPS (Institute of banking Personnel Selection)."
vishwas Sarang clarified the whole matter
vishwas Sarang said that IBPS conducts the recruitment process of employees of RBI, commercial banks, NABARD, RRB etc. Merit list is prepared by combining interview marks and written exam marks, merit is not made on the basis of written exam. vishwas Sarang also denied the allegation of congress in which it was said that the officials close to the minister have been selected fraudulently.
He said, "Pratham Gupta is not the nephew of MD Manoj Kumar Gupta nor has any of his relatives participated in the examination. Retired Joint Registrar SN Kori does not have a daughter Mona, he has only one daughter named Sunita Kori, who is a 42-year-old widow and she cannot participate in the examination. None of the relatives of Apex bank OSD Arun Mishra has participated in the examination and neither is Sankalp Mishra his nephew. The allegations made in the Apex bank recruitment selection process are completely misleading and baseless."