Aam Aadmi party mp sanjay singh has targeted the BJP. He said that the bjp has failed to fulfill its promises. On Monday, mp sanjay singh and reena Gupta released a book titled 'BJP's achievements in Delhi'. sanjay singh has appealed to the people to read the book and make it reach everyone. He alleged that the bjp people are not ready to tell the countrymen about the achievements. The AAP mp said that the book mentions the unfulfilled promises of the Modi government.

sanjay singh said, "That is why we are telling the achievements of the bjp government through the book. The promise of making the slums of delhi permanent, giving Rs 15 lakh, permanent houses, doubling the income of farmers, making petrol, diesel and cylinders cheaper was not fulfilled." He said that the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was formed in 1925. The Jan Sangh was formed in 1952 and the bjp was founded in 1980.

Sanjay Singh's sarcasm on BJP

The AAP mp said, "The bjp government has been in power continuously in many states and the country. In the 2014 elections, a promise was made to bring back black money. It was also said that Rs 15 lakh would reach every person's account. The bjp government had announced that by august 15, 2022, a concrete house will be available and the price of crops will double. petrol will be sold for Rs 50, diesel for Rs 40 and gas cylinder for Rs 250. prime minister Modi had promised the people of the country."

Sanjay Singh took a dig at the bjp and said, "I hope that Rs 15 lakh would have reached the account. Every year 2 crore unemployed people would have got jobs. The price of farmers' crops would have doubled." The AAP mp alleged that a false promise of border security was made. The Galwan Valley incident took place during the BJP's rule. He claimed that china has entered India's border and is sitting there. We are releasing a book telling the achievements of the BJP.

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