This time in the election battle of the capital delhi, rebel candidates are trying to spoil the game of Aam Aadmi Party. In this episode, AAP's current mla Rajkumari Dhillon from hari Nagar assembly seat has entered the election fray as an independent candidate after her ticket was cut. While talking to ABP News, Rajkumari Dhillon targeted former chief minister of delhi and aam aadmi party chief Arvind Kejriwal.

Rajkumari Dhillon accused aam aadmi party of cutting the tickets of MLAs on many seats of Delhi. Not only this, the current mla from hari Nagar seat alleged that aam aadmi party is anti-women. She claimed that former chief minister arvind kejriwal himself is losing the election from New delhi assembly this time.

Rajkumari Dhillon, who is contesting as an independent candidate after rebelling against AAP, cornered aam aadmi party and claimed that in 10 years, the party has only blamed lg for its failure, so the public will bring about a change this time.

assembly elections are scheduled to be held in delhi on 5 February. The results will be declared on 8 February. With this, the results will become clear. election activities have intensified in the state. There is a tough competition between the major parties aam aadmi party, bharatiya janata party, Congress, although all three parties are trying their best to win the delhi elections. This time, it seems to be a close contest. bjp is putting all its strength in the delhi elections this time, while aam aadmi party is also not behind in targeting BJP. Meanwhile, expressing his displeasure over not getting a ticket from aam aadmi party, the current mla from hari Nagar assembly seat has announced to contest the election as an independent candidate.

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