Senior aam aadmi party leader and cabinet minister Saurabh Bhardwaj said that before every election in delhi, the bharatiya janata party has been presenting one or the other poster boy of its as an ideal leader to the people of Delhi. He said that this time the ideal poster boy of the bharatiya janata party for whom the entire police administration and the entire election commission are putting their pride and honour at stake is bjp leader Pravesh Verma. Saurabh Bhardwaj said that yesterday I was reading the property bureau affidavit given by Pravesh Verma ji before the election commission in the 2019 lok sabha elections and the property bureau affidavit given by him for the delhi Assembly elections this time.

'Don't call me to give a lecture'

He said that the rate at which Pravesh Verma ji's property has increased in the last 5 years is no less than a miracle in itself. Saurabh Bhardwaj said that if the details of the increase in property of Pravesh Verma in 5 years are given to the big universities of the world, then there will hardly be any university in the world that will not invite him to give a lecture to teach the students studying in their university this Guru mantra that Pravesh Verma has.

'Property details given to election Commission'

cabinet minister Saurabh Bhardwaj said that while presenting the information of Pravesh Verma's property details along with figures to the media, Saurabh Bhardwaj told that when Pravesh Verma filed the property details affidavit with the election commission for the lok sabha elections in april 2019, his immovable property was worth Rs 12.30 crore. Whereas in the immovable property details given by Pravesh Verma to the election commission for the delhi Assembly elections in 2025, his property has been stated to be Rs 19.10 crore.

'Annual income has increased by 11,488%'

He said that if you assess the increase in immovable property in the last 5 years, then there has been an increase of about 55% in immovable property. Similarly, the movable property which was Rs 3.20 crore in 2019, has been stated as Rs 96.50 crore in the 2025 affidavit. That is, there has been an increase of 2915% in movable property. Similarly, in the 2019 affidavit, the annual income in the income tax return of 2017-18 has been stated as Rs 17 lakh, while in the 2025 affidavit, the annual income of 2023-24 has been stated as Rs 19.17 crore. That is, there has been an increase of 11,488% in annual income in the last 5 years.

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