Social worker Mahavir Basoya joined aam aadmi party (AAP) along with more than 12 of his companions on tuesday amid delhi assembly elections. Senior aam aadmi party leader and rajya sabha MP sanjay singh welcomed all the new members by making them wear the party cap and turban. During this, he said that the mission of the party is only and only public welfare and Mahavir's experience and contribution as a social worker will strengthen the party.

He said that Mahavir comes from Kalkaji assembly constituency and has been active in the field of social service for the last several years. He had helped the people of the area even during the Corona epidemic and did many works for their welfare. Mahavir and his companions joining the aam aadmi party is a big achievement for the party.

sanjay singh made a sharp attack on BJP

On this occasion, sanjay singh also made a sharp attack on BJP. He said, "BJP has only one slogan, Ravana is our ideal. bjp is fasting because Ravana has been insulted. It has been proved that bjp considers Ravana as its descendant. We all should be careful about this." sanjay singh also said that bjp should pay attention to this issue and work in the interest of the society.

Votes will be cast for delhi elections on 5 February

Let us tell you that votes will be cast for the assembly elections in delhi on 5 February. The counting of votes will be done on 8 February. All the political parties are campaigning for this. Meanwhile, many leaders are changing their parties and going from one party to another.

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