In delhi, a ruckus has been created on the statement of former chief minister and aam aadmi party (AAP) chief arvind kejriwal, in which he mentioned an incident from Ramayana during the campaign. bjp says that the former cm told the wrong incident. At the same time, AAP has countered this. arvind kejriwal himself said, "They love Ravana so much, if they come to delhi, they will swallow delhi like a demon." Former minister and AAP candidate Satyendar Jain also targeted BJP.
bjp people are electoral Muslims - Satyendar Jain
In a special conversation with ABP News, he said that bjp people are electoral Muslims. They start doing politics on religion on every issue. He said, "They were protesting against kejriwal on the issue of salary of Maulvis. What do you have to do with them, you take the name of ram so loudly that people get scared. We even say Namaste by saying Ram-Ram. I think there should be religion in politics, there should be politics while following religion, but there should not be politics in religion.'' Jain said, ''BJP is hurt that arvind kejriwal did not become like them, bjp people say that they are also corrupt like us, they do not say that we are not corrupt.''
Got advice to quit politics - Jain
AAP candidate from Shakur Basti Jain said, ''Those who come to politics should think properly, because this can happen to you too. The fight for delhi has become personal for the public. These people are abusing the public's choice.'' He said, ''Many people advised me to quit politics after coming out of jail, family members said they are proud of me.''
Targeting Congress
Jain took a dig at congress and said that rahul gandhi could not attack PM Modi so directly, so he took the name of Kejriwal. On the allegations against Bangladeshi citizens in delhi, he said, "It is the job of bjp to bring Bangladeshis into the country, settle them and send them away. They could not protect the border, the state governments and their police are sleeping." He said that I do not even touch alcohol, you will find these parties accusing me of liquor scam drinking alcohol in five star hotels. If the central government bans liquor across the country, we will support them.