chief minister nitish kumar will reach Kishanganj today (Tuesday) under 'Pragati Yatra'. During this, he will participate in many different programs here. Preparations have been completed in the district for this visit of cm Nitish Kumar. cm Nitish will first reach Kathaldangi of Thakurganj block where he will visit the minority tola as well as the primary school and Anganwadi center. Will distribute the benefits of various schemes related to the minority community.
What is the full program in Kishanganj?
In the course of this visit, chief minister nitish kumar will lay the foundation stone and inaugurate the Anganwadi Center, Community Bhawan, Jeevika Bhawan and Community Toilet. Will know the problem of Thakurganj Bypass Road. After this, he will inspect the playground, Sarovar, WPU, HWC and Govardhan Plot in Halamla.
In the afternoon, he will inaugurate the district Emergency Response Facility-cum-Training Center at Maheshbathana and lay the foundation stone of the additional building of government Engineering College. He will inspect the Minority Residential school at Deramari and lay the foundation stone of the footover bridge. nitish kumar will also lay the foundation stone of the marketing complex here, which is going to be constructed at a cost of four crore 41 lakhs.
The program will conclude at three in the evening
As per the scheduled program, cm nitish kumar will observe the problem of ramzan river at Dev Ghat Khagra. At two in the afternoon, he will hold a review meeting in the district Council Auditorium. The program will conclude at three in the evening. After this, he will return to Patna. The purpose of this visit is to review the development works and listen to the problems of the public. Security arrangements have been increased in the district regarding his visit. An atmosphere of enthusiasm is being seen among the leaders and workers of janata dal united due to the visit of cm Nitish Kumar. Earlier on Monday, cm nitish kumar had visited Supaul.