Rashtriya Lok Janshakti party supremo Pashupati Paras, who has been continuously saying that he is a part of nda despite not being given preference by nda, has not yet made a formal announcement, but has taken to the streets in protest against the bihar government. RLJP supremo Pashupati Paras and his nephew and party state president prince Raj both reached the Gardnibagh protest site today where they attacked the bihar government fiercely while supporting the demands of Dafadar Chowkidar.
80% of Dafadar Chowkidar are from Paswan community
Let us tell you that for the last one year, Dafadar Chowkidar have been fighting against the bihar government with their seven-point demands. Their main demand is that after the reinstatement of Dafadar Chowkidar which was done earlier, their dependents have been reinstated, but the bihar government has changed it and started its reinstatement process. Dafadar Chowkidar has been continuously opposing this. Most of them are from the Dalit community and more than 80% of them are from the Paswan community.
Now that the 2025 bihar Assembly elections are coming, chirag paswan, who is known as a Paswan leader, first met the chief minister for the demands of the Dafadar Chowkidar. However, no action has been taken by the government on it so far, so Pashupati Paras, who stays away from the nda, has come on the road with the issue of Dafadar Chowkidar. Pashupati Paras said that 95% of them are from the Paswan community. The bihar government is against the Paswan community and is trying to snatch its rights, which we strongly oppose.
Paras said that we demand from the bihar government that the same process which was there earlier for the reinstatement of Dafadar Chowkidar should be implemented. It is believed that chirag paswan is given priority as a Dalit leader in Bihar. Especially the people of Paswan community consider Chirag as their leader, but on the issue of Dafadar Chowkidar, Pashupati Paras is trying to push Chirag behind and for this, he has now separated from nda and has started a movement against the bihar government.