The 85th All india Presiding Officers Conference was organized on monday (20 January) in Patna, the capital of Bihar. Speakers of Legislative Assemblies and Legislative Councils of many states participated in it. lok sabha Speaker om birla and his entire team were also present in this conference. chhattisgarh Assembly Speaker raman singh said during the meeting that whether it is lok sabha or Assembly, the time of proceedings of both should be increased and every issue should be discussed in detail.

What is a matter of concern?

raman singh, while talking to media persons, said, "There are Speakers of Vidhan Sabhas and Chairmen of Vidhan Parishad from across the country here. Also, Speaker of lok sabha and his entire team, and all our officers are present. This issue is important that whether it is lok sabha or Vidhan Sabha, the Speaker of lok sabha clearly said that the duration of Vidhan Sabha and lok sabha should be increased, there should be debates for a longer time and the budget of any department should not be passed without healthy discussion. How can the role of the legislature, which does the work of law-making, be strengthened further, this is a matter of concern."

He further said, "As the Speaker of chhattisgarh Vidhan Sabha, we implemented the rule there that if a member goes to the well, he is suspended from the proceedings of that day. Apart from this, we have started another tradition, especially on sensitive issues like Naxalism. We held a closed-door meeting, which lasted for about eight-ten hours. This is becoming a part of a big tradition in a small Vidhan Sabha. We are all working together to keep this Vidhan Sabha alive and active." raman singh said that the country is run through both the legislatures, the Vidhan Sabha and the lok sabha, and we have to strengthen it further. As a new initiative, now all the proceedings will be uploaded on a portal so that all the proceedings of the Vidhan Sabha will be available at one place.

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