bhopal, once a city known for its rich history and cultural heritage, now faces a disturbing crisis that threatens to erase an integral part of its past. In a shocking turn of events, 101 out of the 125 graveyards registered by the Waqf Board in bhopal have mysteriously disappeared. What’s more troubling is that these sacred burial grounds have not simply been lost — they have been illegally seized, converted into commercial properties, and repurposed for residential spaces.

It’s hard to believe, but only 24 graveyards remain out of the original 125, raising questions about how and why these vital sites have been stripped away from the public domain. The blatant encroachment and disappearance of these lands suggest an alarming level of negligence and corruption. What was once meant to be preserved for the community has now been hijacked by unscrupulous land mafias, leaving behind nothing but stories of betrayal and lost heritage.

The Shahi Graveyard, once a revered burial ground, is a prime example of this unsettling trend. This site, now surrounded by factories, houses, and vehicles, has barely any trace left of its original purpose. A few scattered graves remain, overshadowed by the developments around them — an enduring symbol of the erosion of Bhopal’s cultural sanctity. The Waqf Board, tasked with overseeing these lands, has been rendered powerless in the face of widespread land grabs. Reports from journalist Pramod Sharma’s investigation reveal that the land mafias are not only seizing the properties but also selling plots that once belonged to the Waqf Board.

Even more disturbing is the involvement of some individuals within the Muslim community in these illegal encroachments. When the Waqf Board attempts to reclaim the lands, many of those occupying the areas deny the Waqf's ownership, casting doubts on the authenticity of their claims. This has only compounded the issue, making it harder to rectify the situation.

How did this happen? How did a city rich in culture and history allow this blatant exploitation to unfold? It’s clear that weak regulations, lack of transparency, and a broken system have enabled these land mafias to thrive unchecked. The disappearance of 101 graveyards is not an isolated incident — it’s part of a larger pattern that has allowed the land to be stripped from under the community’s feet.

This crisis highlights the pressing need for urgent reform, a crackdown on land mafias, and greater accountability from the authorities responsible for safeguarding Bhopal’s heritage. The Waqf Board, which should be the protector of these sites, has failed to prevent this encroachment, and the people of bhopal are left with a painful reminder of how greed and corruption can ravage even the most sacred spaces.

Bhopal’s cultural landmarks are slipping through the cracks, and unless something is done immediately, the city may soon lose even the faintest trace of its past. The disappearance of 101 graveyards isn’t just a loss of land — it’s a loss of history, community, and identity.

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