After the swearing-in ceremony of the new US President donald trump, the indian stock market has fallen sharply. On Tuesday, the Sensex fell 1,235 points below 75,000 points, causing investors to lose Rs 8.30 lakh crore in a single day. This decline is linked to fears of Trump's policies and possible trade tensions after his return to power.
The stock market bled
This decline in the stock market started just before Trump's swearing-in, when investors started reducing their holdings keeping in mind the policies of his previous tenure. Both the Sensex and the Nifty closed with a decline of more than 1.5 percent. The Nifty also recorded a decline of 320 points, reaching its lowest level in the last seven months.
Impact of Trump's policies
donald trump implemented several trade policies in his first term, including steps like trade war with china and increasing tariffs. After his swearing-in, there is a possibility of trade tensions increasing once again. Experts believe that if trump takes such steps again, it could increase uncertainty in global markets.
These stocks saw a huge decline
Investors have expressed concern over this decline. Shares of major companies like zomato and the banking sector have also seen a huge decline. Many investors decided to sell shares to protect their capital, which brought more pressure on the market. Experts believe that Trump's tenure could have a negative impact on the indian stock market. Market analysts have warned that if trump repeats his old policies, it will also affect the indian economy.