Samajwadi party President and former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh akhilesh yadav on wednesday criticized the bjp government of the state for organizing a state cabinet meeting in the Kumbh mela area and called it a political move taken to send a message. Now deputy cm Keshav prasad Maurya has hit back at Akhilesh Yadav's statement.

deputy chief minister Keshav prasad Maurya said, "Mahakumbh 2025 is moving towards success in a very grand, divine way. I don't know what disease akhilesh yadav has got that he cannot see the good management, cleanliness of Mahakumbh, he cannot tolerate that 50 lakh to 1 crore people are taking a dip there every day. He should not make such comments."

What did the SP chief say?

akhilesh yadav, while talking to reporters at Janeshwar Mishra Park in lucknow on the occasion of the death anniversary of late socialist leader Janeshwar Mishra, said, "Kumbh and Prayagraj are not a place for politics or political programs. The entire cabinet meeting held there is political and its aim is to give a political message.''

He also answered the question asked about taking a holy dip in Sangam. He said, ''Samajwadi party members have deep faith in their mothers and Ganga. Many of us have already taken a dip without any publicity or sharing pictures on social media. Mishra ji dedicated his life to take the Samajwadi party forward.'' Let us tell you that on wednesday, the UP cabinet meeting was held in Mahakumbh. After the meeting, all 54 ministers along with cm Yogi Adityanath took a dip in Sangam. However, the opposition is criticizing the cabinet meeting held in Mahakumbh. akhilesh yadav has termed it a political move.

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