Once upon a time, these days were symbols of pride, unity, and the promise of a better tomorrow. Today, they feel like a hollow shell of their former selves. The excitement is gone, replaced by resignation. Celebrations are reduced to token gestures – a flag on the balcony, a forwarded message on WhatsApp, and a few hashtags. But what does any of it really mean in a country where the essence of freedom is buried under the weight of religion, revdi politics, and systemic inequality?
Voting: A Hollow Exercise?
Elections, once heralded as the cornerstone of democracy, have turned into a mockery of the people’s will. The game is simple: invoke religion, dangle freebies, and consolidate vote banks. Issues like education, healthcare, and employment are barely a whisper amidst the deafening chants of divisive politics. For the common man, the ballot feels less like a tool of change and more like a ritual of futility.
Where Do You Stand if You’re "Common"?
Unless you're a politician, a corporate tycoon, a street-level goon, or someone in the higher echelons of government, your voice doesn’t matter. The system doesn’t care about your struggles. Speak out, and you’re either ignored or silenced. Your role in this country? Simple. Keep paying taxes, swipe your UPI app, and stay out of the way.
Patriotism Reduced to Optics
And then there are the optics of patriotism. Independence Day? Hoist a flag, take a selfie, and move on. Republic Day? watch the parade, share a post about soldiers, and go back to the grind. True patriotism – the kind that involves asking tough questions and demanding accountability – is either discouraged or branded as “anti-national.”
Is This the Freedom We Celebrate?
Seventy-seven years after independence and seventy-five years after adopting our Constitution, it’s worth asking: who truly enjoys the fruits of freedom? A handful of elites or the billion-strong populace? The dream of “We, the People” has faded into “We, the Privileged.”
As flags flutter on balconies and fireworks light up the sky, one can’t help but wonder – are we really celebrating our independence, or are we just distracting ourselves from how little of it we truly have?