Former Uttar Pradesh mla Subhash Pasi has been arrested by the police on charges of fraud and gangsterism. Subhash Pasi, along with his wife Reena Pasi, had cheated yogi government minister Nitin Agarwal's sister in the name of a flat. The police was looking for the couple for a long time in this case. wife Reena is still absconding in this case. It is being told that this couple has cheated many such people. Their target was only such influential people. They used to carry out fraud of lakhs by trapping them.

businessman Akshay Agarwal, who became a victim of Subhash Pasi's fraud, met him for the first time in lucknow in the year 2017. Akshay himself did a property deal with Subhash Pasi, got him to meet Railway Ganj businessman Chandra Prakash Gupti and he also got Subhash Pasi's wife to meet minister Nitin Goyal's sister. After which the couple cheated him too.

They used to make influential people their victims

On 10 october 2023, Chandraprakash Gupta had filed a case against Subhash Pasi of City Kotwali area accusing him of fraud. He told that Subhash had offered to sell a flat in Aram Nagar, mumbai for Rs 2.5 crore, after which he got him to meet Ruchi Goyal. Ruchi had given a cheque of Rs 49 lakh to Subhash and his wife. Which both of them got cashed and handed over fake property papers to them.

It is alleged that Subhash Pasi had also shown the map of the flat in mumbai to Ruchi Goyal, after which a deal was done between the two for Rs 2 crore. As the first installment of which, Ruchi had given him a cheque of Rs 49 lakh. After getting the money, the couple started procrastinating. After which when he went to mumbai, it was found that the property was registered in the name of some Mahadev baba Saheb.

The police have arrested Subhash Pasi in this fraud case. His wife is still out of police custody. Cases of fraud and gangsterism are also registered against his wife Reena. Subhash Pasi has been an mla from Saidpur seat of Ghazipur twice in 2012 and 2017 from Samajwadi Party. Before the 2022 assembly elections, he joined the Bharatiya Janata Party. bjp had given him a ticket from Saidpur assembly but he had to face defeat.

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