The battle for the by-election on the Milkipur assembly seat of Uttar Pradesh is now intensifying. UP cm Yogi Adityanath will address a big public meeting in Milkipur today and will try to create an atmosphere in favor of the bjp, while Samajwadi party President akhilesh yadav and Dimple Yadav will soon be seen campaigning in favor of the party. This time there is a direct contest between SP and bjp in Milkipur, so many political pundits are discussing who will have the upper hand between the two.
The Milkipur seat has become a matter of prestige for the bjp and the Samajwadi Party. bjp is in the fray with the intention of taking revenge for the defeat in the lok sabha elections by winning this seat, while this seat, which has become vacant after the resignation of Awadhesh Prasad, is also important for the SP. This time the entire responsibility of victory in Milkipur is on the caste equation here, which can prove to be a game changer in this battle.
Breaking SP's PDA formula
According to the data, there are about 3.58 lakh voters in Milkipur. Dalit and OBC voters have a significant influence among them. Here the number of Yadavs is the highest among the Pasi and backward classes. Along with Dalits and backward classes, Muslim voters are also in decisive numbers here. In such a situation, SP is relying on the PDA formula. SP also got the benefit of this in the lok sabha elections and a large number of Dalit and backward community people joined SP.
This time bjp has tried to break this formula of SP. A glimpse of this can also be seen in the form of the party's candidate Chandrabhanu Paswan. bjp has tried to break into the Dalit vote bank of SP by fielding Chandrabhanu Paswan, while the party's full focus is also on the OBC vote bank. In the last assembly and lok sabha elections, the backward classes had voted for SP, and bjp is trying to bring them back to its side.