The controversy over the objectionable comment made on Samajwadi party founder mulayam singh yadav is increasing. SP leaders have opened a front against Hanumangarhi's Mahant Raju Das. Now yogi government's cabinet minister Om Prakash Rajbhar has also entered this controversy. Rajbhar strongly objected to Mahant Raju Das' statement and said that it is because of Mulayam Singh that awareness has been created among the backward classes.
Om Prakash Rajbhar spoke openly on many issues in a conversation with ABP News. During this, he strongly objected to the statement of Mahant Raju Das and said that "We are against such comments, mulayam singh yadav was a big leader. He has been the chief minister and Defense minister four times. mulayam singh yadav was a leader of the backward classes and because of him there was awakening among the backward classes. If someone is saying something about mulayam singh yadav, then we condemn it. If someone does something even worse than this, then we will advise that do not do such a thing that you also become a subject of discussion.
Response given on the cabinet meeting in Mahakumbh
During this, Rajbhar also took a dig at the opposition regarding the cabinet meeting held in Mahakumbh and said that we had gone there only for religious work. This is not a new arrangement, during the time of congress also a cabinet meeting was held in Prayagraj and we are taking the same tradition forward in a systematic manner. He said that if one has gone to take bath in Mahakumbh and held a meeting there, then what is wrong in it. Everything was absolutely all well in Prayagraj.
He said that in the cabinet meeting, a big gift has been given to Prayagraj as well as Purvanchal. Now, like Delhi, roads are being built in UP as well. The opposition is deceiving Muslims and backward people. What has the opposition done for the welfare of these people till date? What have they done for other classes including businessmen? On cm yogi campaigning in Delhi, he said that he is the Chief Minister. He is known all over the country and can go anywhere.