Delhi's ruling aam aadmi party (AAP) has complained to the election commission about the attacks on Arvind Kejriwal. 'AAP' said in its complaint that former cm arvind kejriwal has been attacked several times during the election campaign. aam aadmi party is constantly alleging that arvind kejriwal is being attacked. kejriwal had claimed on thursday that the police allowed the people of the opposition candidate to enter my public meeting in hari Nagar and attacked my car. The former cm had even claimed that this attack is happening at the behest of Union home minister amit Shah.
Our leaders are constantly being attacked - Arvind Kejriwal
kejriwal had also targeted the election commission and said, "Big questions are being raised on the election commission that the national president of a national party and its leaders are constantly being attacked and the election commission is unable to take any effective steps."
Questions raised on reduction in Arvind Kejriwal's security
This entire incident came to light when the punjab police personnel deployed for the security of AAP convenor arvind kejriwal were removed. This was done on the instructions of delhi police and election Commission. punjab police director General Gaurav Yadav himself gave this information. AAP is furious over the reduction in security. AAP and bjp are face to face on this issue. AAP mp Sanjay Singh said that delhi police forcibly removed punjab police from Arvind Kejriwal's security. At the same time, a few days ago, cm Atishi had claimed that bjp goons had attacked Kejriwal's car during campaigning in New delhi Assembly constituency.