aam aadmi party mla from Okhla, Delhi, Amanatullah Khan presented his side on friday after his son's video went viral. Talking to ABP news on this issue, he said that it is true that when this incident happened on Thursday, my son called me. At that time, I was busy in a meeting. He said, "My son told me on the mobile phone that the police stopped me intentionally because of the aam aadmi party flag on the bike. If it was the flag of some other party, they probably wouldn't have stopped me."

On this, Amanatullah Khan said, "SHO of Jamia nagar Narpal Singh is a very rude man. The language he was using was very bad. My son was talking very lovingly. SHO wants to spoil the atmosphere here. He was saying that he does not know my son. Whereas he knows that the person with whom he had a dispute is my son." He said, "SHO Narpal Singh deliberately recorded the video of the argument with my son on this issue and made it viral. I will file a case against him. He has tried to spoil my son's image."

'Narpal Singh is not SHO but a crook'

On whose instructions is SHO doing this? In response to this, Amanatullah Khan said, "After receiving the call from my son, I told the SHO that okay, give him the bike, but the language he used clearly showed that he was trying to tell that he is not an SHO but a crook.."

'BJP people want to divide the votes'

Amanatullah Khan told ABP news, "I am contesting against bjp from Okhla seat. bjp candidate manish Chaudhary is contesting against us. manish Chaudhary contests in two and a half wards.."

'If bjp wins, a communal atmosphere will be created'

Amanatullah Khan said that bjp is working to divide our votes in Okhla. bjp is not going to form the government in Delhi. It will not be good for the Okhla area if the bjp candidate becomes an mla from here. bjp can never fight us face to face, so it is attacking us from behind. If bjp comes to power, brotherhood will end and a communal atmosphere will be created in the area.

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