police has arrested a clever thief in Dwarka district of Delhi. He is accused of stealing gold jewelry and mobiles from three houses. According to the police, the accused had committed these thefts to go to Mahakumbh. The accused thief was identified from CCTV footage.
Giving information, the police said that on the night of january 17, 2025, thefts took place in three houses in Rajapuri, Dabri area. During this, the thief stole a gold bracelet, a chain and five mobile phones. All the thefts took place between 1 am and 6 am. When the people of the houses were in deep sleep.
police nabbed the accused on the basis of secret information
Giving information, DCP Ankit Singh of Dwarka district said, "The investigation of the case was given to the Anti Burglary Cell. The team searched the CCTV footage of the surrounding area and identified a suspicious person. The team raided several places to arrest the accused. Finally, on january 23, on the basis of secret information, a trap was laid in Dabri and he was arrested.''
gold ornaments and mobile phones recovered from the accused
The accused was identified as ravi alias Bhola. At the time of arrest, a 40 gram gold bracelet, a 20 gram gold chain and 5 stolen mobile phones were recovered from him. During interrogation, the accused told that he had committed all these thefts to go to Mahakumbh.
The accused has been involved in 16 cases of theft so far
The thief caught by the police has been involved in many cases of theft before. According to the police, he was first arrested in 2020 on charges of theft. After this, in 2021, he was caught in a case of burglary at night. So far he has been involved in 16 cases of theft and burglary.