delhi police has recovered more than Rs 23 lakh from a car near Chacha Nehru Hospital in Geeta Colony. The police team conducted a vehicle checking campaign near Chacha Nehru Hospital, Geeta Colony at around 7:30 am on friday (24 January). During this, a huge amount of cash was recovered from a suspicious car. According to DCP Shahdara, during the checking, the car was stopped, which was being driven by Krishnapal Jain (age 69 years). Krishnapal Jain is the son of Harparsad Jain and a resident of 57, Chandanhola, Chhatarpur, New Delhi. The car is registered in the name of his son amit Jain.
Considered illegal after not getting a satisfactory answer
Shahdara DCP said that during the checking, a total of Rs 23,23,420 (twenty three lakh, twenty three thousand, four hundred twenty rupees) cash was recovered from the car. When no satisfactory answer was received about the source of the cash, it was considered illegal.
The prescribed limit is Rs 10 lakh
According to DCP Shahdara, the amount recovered was more than the prescribed limit of Rs 10 lakh, so the matter was immediately reported to the Income Tax Department. Further action and seizure of cash is being done by the Income Tax Department.
'It is the result of police vigilance'
The DCP said that this recovery is the result of the vigilance of the SST team of Geeta Colony police station and the local police. Strict monitoring of cash and other illegal activities is being done during the elections. Let us tell you that voting will be held in delhi on february 5 and the counting of votes will take place on february 8. Before this, the police is on alert. In view of Republic Day in the national capital, tight security arrangements have also been made. The police is continuously conducting checking campaigns.