Counting of votes, who is ahead between bjp and Congress?

Counting of votes for uttarakhand civic election (Uttarakhand Nikay Result Live) is going on since morning today, counting of votes started at 8 am. 54 election centers have been set up for counting of votes. With the counting of votes, the result is now becoming clear. According to the information received from the election Commission, out of 11 municipal corporations, bharatiya janata party is leading in one and congress party is leading in one. Similarly, in the trends of 46 municipalities, bjp is ahead in five and bjp has won in one. While congress is leading in 3. At the same time, independents are leading in two and an independent candidate has won in one.

Counting of votes for uttarakhand civic election is going on, in 43 nagar Panchayats, independent candidates are leading in two, while bjp is ahead in three and has won two seats. There are 1282 wards in 11 municipal corporations, 46 municipalities and 43 nagar Panchayats. In the trends of 1282 wards, independents are leading in 70, have won 47. bharatiya janata party is leading in 75 and has won 21. Similarly, congress party is leading in 10 and has won 2 seats.

You can see the results here

Let us tell you that 6366 employees have been deployed for the counting of votes of the civic elections. Moment-to-moment information of the counting will be made available on the official website of the commission This time a total of 1,515 polling stations and 3,394 polling booths were set up for the elections of 100 municipal bodies in the state. 440 polling stations and 1,071 polling booths were set up in dehradun district. Let us tell you that votes were cast on 23 january for the uttarakhand civic elections.

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