CM yogi adityanath said on maha Kumbh Stampede - Do not spread rumors, take a bath where you are
After the meeting on maha Kumbh Stampede, chief minister yogi adityanath said that do not spread rumors and take a bath where you are.
Maha Kumbh Stampede
Chief minister yogi adityanath held a meeting after the stampede during the maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Talking to reporters after the meeting, the cm said that there is a huge crowd of devotees in the maha Kumbh. About 8-10 crore devotees are present in Prayagraj at this time. About 5.5 crore people took a bath yesterday. This heavy pressure is due to the devotees and their going to Sangam Nose. The administration is present there.
He said - Some devotees have been seriously injured in crossing the barricade on Akhara Marg between 1 am and 2 am. Arrangements for treatment have been made for them. The administration is continuously making arrangements for safe bathing at the local level. For the safe bathing of the devotees in the maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, the arrangements for the Amrit bath of the people who have come from all over the country and their well-being, the PM has enquired about their well-being four times since morning.
The chief minister said that the home minister, National President (BJP) Nadda Ji, and governor Anandi Ben Patel have also taken the report. A meeting is also going on here so that all the devotees who have come can take a bath. Talks have been held with the saints. The revered saints have very politely said that the devotees will bathe first and when their pressure reduces, then we will go towards Sangam. An appeal to all is not to pay attention to rumors. This event is for all the people. The administration is engaged in serving them. The Center and the State are ready to cooperate strongly.