Marathi speaking compulsory in government offices...
The maharashtra government has made it compulsory to speak Marathi in government and semi-government offices. The maharashtra government has issued a government proposal (notification) in this regard on monday (3 February). It states that speaking Marathi is compulsory in local self-government, government corporations and government-aided establishments. The notification warns that guilty officials will face disciplinary action.
Rathi Devanagari alphabet on keyboard
The Marathi language policy approved last year recommended the use of Marathi in all public affairs to further the steps taken for the preservation, promotion, dissemination and development of the language. It states that all offices should have Marathi Devanagari alphabet in addition to the Roman alphabet on the PC (personal computer) keyboard.
Marathi compulsory for visitors coming to the office too
Not only this, the notification issued by the government states that it will be mandatory for visitors coming to government offices to converse in Marathi too. However, people who do not speak the language, who are foreigners or non-Marathi speakers from outside maharashtra will be exempted from this.
Notices in Marathi are mandatory in offices
Notices inside offices must also be in Marathi language. It says that government employees who do not follow this will face disciplinary action. Complaints of non-compliance can be made to the head of the office or the head of the department, who will investigate and take action if required.
The aim is to promote the use of Marathi language
The notification says that new businesses will have to register their names in Marathi. The aim of this policy is to promote the use of Marathi language in the administration and public life of the state.