Tantra-Mantra or Madness! 10 dogs killed and buried…
A large group of stray dogs suddenly disappeared from a locality in kanpur city. The dogs that used to surprise everyone with their roaming and barking in the locality, became silent. The sudden disappearance of dozens of dogs surprised the local people and they were even more surprised when the bodies of ten dogs were found buried in the ground in a quiet place. As if someone had killed them and made a Samadhi for them and the flowers, garlands, incense sticks, water in a glass and biscuits were placed on the Samadhi. It has started giving some different signals and the local people gathered and were frightened after seeing this strange picture. The sudden burial of so many dogs in the ground and the finding of worship material on them is linking it to Tantra Vidya.
In Kidwai nagar area of kanpur, the bodies of ten voiceless dogs were buried in the ground near the Hanuman temple built in a pumping station. There was a room in the park built near the site number one pumping station. Which was deserted for a long time and although local people used to visit there. people told that many dogs and their puppies used to live here often. Which were included in the category of stray dogs in the area, but suddenly all the dogs disappeared together and no voice of anyone was heard.
people suspect black magic
When the local people got suspicious and searched for these dogs, it was found that the dogs were killed and buried. However, people reached this point when in that park, behind the room built in the park, at a place of silence, graves were made and everyone was surprised to see garlands of flowers, biscuits, incense sticks and a glass full of water on it. On digging it, it was found that the dogs were buried in this ground in a dead state in an injured condition. After which the local people informed the police on the basis of suspicion of black magic and the police has started investigating the matter.
Everyone is scared of the death of mute dogs
If the local people are to be believed, seeing the killing of dogs in this way and their burial in the ground and the flower garlands and incense sticks placed on them, people are considering it a part of the subject of black magic. They say that someone is doing black magic by sacrificing these dogs but after the death of mute dogs in this way, people are scared. Now they feel that some crazy person is doing such incidents. Now they are afraid that everyone in the area has small children in their house. If someone is doing black magic, then that person may target the children.