Delhi high court upheld DDA's action in Yamuna's flood area!

delhi high court has said in one of its orders that the condition of yamuna river is very bad. Any kind of interference in the ongoing efforts to bring it back to its previous state cannot be justified. On this basis, delhi high court rejected the petition filed against the action of delhi Development Authority (DDA) to remove nurseries from the banks of yamuna river.

delhi high court said, "It has no hesitation in accepting that all the nurseries of the petitioner are not only illegal but they also fall in Yamuna's khadar i.e. flood area. No matter for what purpose they use this land, they have no legal right to continue occupying it or request for alternative allotment. By doing this, it will not be possible for government agencies to implement public projects." Justice Dharmesh Sharma of the delhi high court said in his order, "The concerned land falls under Zone-O of the master Plan 2021, which is located in the flood area. As per the instructions of the supreme court and NGT, it is necessary to remove all encroachments from this land and develop 'Mayur Nature Park'."

It is necessary to remove illegal occupation from the land - HC

Earlier, the petitioners had argued that horticultural activities are in accordance with the orders of NGT in the yamuna flood area, but the delhi high court refused to accept this argument. The court said that the petitioners have not presented any concrete or valid reason for maintaining possession or rehabilitation on this land. The high court reiterated in its order that the petitioners are illegally occupying this land. It is necessary to remove them from there. So that the green area of delhi can be protected.

DDA did not give a chance to be heard - Nursery Welfare Organization

This petition was filed in the delhi high court by an organization named Nursery Welfare Organization. In fact, Nursery Welfare Organization is an NGO located in Zone 'O' of delhi master Plan-2021, i.e. yamuna flood area. In the petition filed in the court, the organization had opposed the action of delhi Development Authority to remove their nurseries and destroy all the plants with a bulldozer. It was said on behalf of Nursery Welfare Organization that DDA did not give the members of the organization a chance to be heard. Also, as per the instructions of NGT in 2019, the bulldozer campaign was carried out without physically demarcating the land.

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