Will Manusmriti and Baburnama be taught in DU? 

Amidst the discussion about teaching Manusmriti and Baburnama in delhi University, the DU administration has clarified its stand on this. ABP news had told in the morning that the discussion going on about teaching Manusmriti and Baburnama in DU is completely wrong. After this, now the news of ABP news has also been confirmed. DU Vice Chancellor professor Yogesh Singh has denied any such plan to teach these books.

It was told in many media reports that a proposal has been made to teach Manusmriti and Baburnama in DU and it is also being considered. However, now putting a full stop to all these news, Vice Chancellor professor Yogesh Singh from DU office said, "There is no plan to study any subject like Manusmriti and Baburnama in DU.

'No intention to present course like Manusmriti, Baburnama'

He further said, "We have no intention to present any course or study material like Manusmriti or Baburnama. Neither such subject is worth consideration before the DU administration and we reject such subjects in future also."

Baburnama has no relevance in today's time - Vice Chancellor

The Vice Chancellor also said, "Baburnama is anyway the autobiography of a tyrant. There is no need to teach it and it has no relevance in today's time either. Under the New education Policy (NEP 2020), we want to bring new courses in accordance with indian traditions and are also bringing them, which will benefit the country and society." The Vice Chancellor has also said that delhi University is designing its study material keeping in mind the contribution of DU in the resolution of becoming a developed nation by 2047.

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