Now you will have to give an exam to become SHO in Delhi!
Now it will be very difficult to become a Station house Officer in delhi Police. To reach here, now the policemen will have to give one more exam. Let's know in detail.
If reports are to be believed, becoming an SHO (Station house Officer) in delhi police will not be as easy as before. In the capital delhi, the police department has made a big change in the appointment process of SHO and has now decided to conduct an examination for this post for the first time. Now along with seniority and experience, it will also be necessary to pass a tough exam.
According to reports, the police administration has taken this step in view of the rapidly increasing cyber crimes in Delhi. Especially in cyber police stations, the need for such officers was felt who are adept at understanding the complexity of wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital crimes. Therefore, merit-based examination has been made necessary to promote transparency and competition in the appointment of SHO.
122 inspectors filled the form for 15 seats
According to delhi police, the examination is being conducted for 15 posts of Cyber SHO. Surprisingly, 122 police inspectors have applied for these posts, due to which the level of competition has increased a lot. This exam will be conducted on march 18 at the delhi police Academy in Wazirabad. Officers who pass the exam will get important responsibilities like cyber crime, wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital forensics and cyber security enforcement.