Will the cost of the F-47 fighter jet be reduced?
General Allvin of the US air Force says that the cost of the F-47 stealth fighter developed under the NGAD program will be less than that of the F-22. This aircraft will be fully suitable to deal with future threats. Vijayendra K Thakur has written in the Eurasian Times that General Allvin has described the F-47 as more durable. This means that this time the US air Force is trying its best to avoid the mistakes made in the construction of the F-35 fighter jet. Precise planning and strict inspection are being followed in the construction of the F-47 to control the cost, so that this aircraft is economical along with better performance.
Trying to avoid mistakes like F-35 in the development of F-47
In May 2023, US air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said, "We will not repeat the mistakes that were made during the F-35 program. When the US air Force decided to build the F-35 fighter jet, Lockheed Martin was given its contract. In this project, the US air Force was not given the right to access all the data related to the fighter aircraft. According to the terms of the contract at that time, the company that developed it remained its owner throughout its lifecycle.
Kendall termed it a permanent monopoly, due to which the US air Force had to face many challenges. This time the US government will keep complete supervision in the construction of NGAD fighter jet (F-47). Boeing has been asked to share every technical data with the US air Force. US President donald trump did not give any clear information about the cost and timeline of this project in the press conference. However, Trump definitely said that a large scale development of F-47 was done during his tenure. This part will be in the air, meaning its initial testing will be done soon.