Narendra Modi, the man who once reduced Shashi Tharoor’s late wife to a crude “₹50 crore girlfriend” jibe, is now being defended against Kunal Kamra’s remark about his mother. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

Where was this sudden moral high ground when Modi, as gujarat CM, mocked a woman’s dignity for political mileage? Where was the outcry when he trivialized a personal relationship with a cheap price tag?

But now, the outrage machine is in full force. Kamra must learn “decency,” we are told. Of course, the decency lesson is only for comedians—not for the prime minister of India, whose words carry the weight of an entire nation.

This is selective morality at its finest. If Modi can launch such personal, degrading attacks without consequences, why hold a stand-up comic to a higher standard than the leader of the country? If we are to demand decency, let’s start from the top.

Think. Just for a moment.

Narendra Modi, as gujarat CM, called Sunanda Pushkar a "₹50 crore girlfriend", reducing a woman’s identity to a financial figure for political point-scoring. No national outrage, no lectures on dignity.

Now, when Kunal Kamra takes a dig at Modi’s mother, the moral police wakes up. Suddenly, we must respect personal boundaries. Suddenly, comedians must uphold a standard even the prime minister never followed.

Is this about decency? Or is it just about who holds power?

If mocking personal lives is wrong, why wasn’t it wrong when Modi did it? If leaders set the moral standard, why was Modi never held accountable for his words?

Think. Because hypocrisy is loud, but truth speaks for itself.

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