New York sources have stated that from north to south, cold and chill weather is affecting much parts of the United States and Niagara falls is covered in snow which is been admired by the tourists all over the place. Because of strong winds and colder temperatures the surroundings is covered by snow and the rivers are also been frozen.

Niagara Falls lies in the border between Canada and United States and between the province of Ontario and New York State. This falls is known for its beauty and also for hydroelectric power. For the past few days heavy snowfall is prevailing where -34 degree is recorded in Mount Washington.

Image result for 5.	Winter transforms Niagara Falls as a WonderlandImage result for 5.	Winter transforms Niagara Falls as a Wonderland

Niagara Falls is not totally frozen but the surrounding is seen like Hollywood fame Wonderland movies with white snows. Tourists all over are watching this phenomenal scene with more excitement. Moreover wind chill is bringing temperatures to below zero degrees. Arctic cold air is expected to sweep across the Northeast and will keep the eastern half of the U.S. shivering for the first week of 2018.

Related imageImage result for 5.	Winter transforms Niagara Falls

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