Four women suspected to be child kidnappers were assaulted while two were disrobed by mob, in Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal. Dhupguri block's Dawkimari village witnessed this incident which was the fourth of this month. A mentally challenged woman was bashed last week in the same block.
The Jalpaiguri superintendent of police Amitabha Maity, expressed that the four women, in the age group of 20 to 50 years were assaulted by the mob as they could not answer the questions asked by the locals. While One of the women had said that she came searching a relative, another had come to meet a relative, the third woman was there to the district to sell clothes in houses there, while the fourth woman bad come to the bank.
The mob began attacking them
suspecting them to be kidnappers, but was rescued by the police, who took them
to a primary health centre for treatment.