Kriti Shetty, who made a striking debut in tollywood with the film "Uppena," is reportedly facing a string of setbacks with consecutive movie disappointments. Despite her initial success, films like "Shyam Singh Roy," "Bangarraju," "The Warrior," "Macharla Constituency," "Aa Teregi Sahi Uke Pariarini," and "Custody" did not perform well at the box office, which has led to a slowdown in her opportunities in the telugu industry.
In light of this, Kriti Shetty seems to be exploring opportunities in the tamil and malayalam film industries. She is currently working in the tamil film "Karthi 26" opposite Karthi, directed by Nalan Kumarasamy and produced under the Studio Green Banner. Additionally, she is part of another tamil project titled "Love Insurance Corporation," directed by Vignesh Shivan.
Furthermore, Kriti Shetty is making her debut in the malayalam film industry with "Ajayante Randham Moshanam," starring Tovino Thomas. The period action thriller is expected to mark her entry into Mollywood.
While Kriti Shetty continues to have projects in tamil and malayalam, she also has a telugu film titled "Maname" alongside Sharwanand, directed by sriram Aditya. The success of these projects may play a crucial role in shaping her career trajectory in the various film industries.