Ranbir Kapoor and alia bhatt are making headlines in bollywood for their plans to gift their daughter, Raha Kapoor, a lavish bungalow worth a staggering Rs. 250 crores. The couple, known for their successful careers and substantial earnings, are pooling their resources to build their dream home, which is expected to surpass the opulence of iconic properties like Shah Rukh Khan's Mannat and amitabh Bachchan's jalsa in Mumbai.
This extravagant bungalow, still under construction, is a testament to Ranbir Kapoor's deep affection for his daughter, as he has expressed his intention to name the residence after her. With this grand gesture, Raha Kapoor is poised to become one of the wealthiest star kids in Bollywood.
In addition to the forthcoming bungalow, Ranbir and alia also own four flats in Mumbai's Bandra area, valued at over Rs. 60 crores collectively. Furthermore, Raha Kapoor will co-own the luxurious property alongside her parents, following the tradition set by Ranbir's late father, Rishi Kapoor, who made his wife Neetu Kapoor a half-owner of all their properties.
The Kapoor family's living arrangements are expected to consolidate once the bungalow is completed, potentially bringing the entire clan under one roof. Currently, alia, Ranbir, and Raha reside together in their home called "Vaastu."